this is me.

Hello all! My name is Libby Meeker, I am a single mom of one beautiful baby girl. She is by far my greatest blessing thus far in life. A few things I love are coffee, singing, fashion, and Jesus. I also work at an elementary school teaching struggling math students how to learn those pesky math concepts, while also trying to finish school myself. Most of my blog posts are either addressed to my daughter, something personal about myself, or over scripture I have studied. Jesus has been the best thing to happen to me, and I have challenged myself to live daily devoting myself to him. To the few that are actually reading this I hope it finds you well, and that you found something helpful out of one of my blog posts.

1 comment:

  1. Going through your blog we have quite a bit in common Libby... Writing, Fashion, Singing, Coffee (yum) and most of all Jesus! Thanks for sharing yourself and our God with others through your passions. May you continue to be blessed!
